North Area Championships - Track - Inverness - Sat 25th September

Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 28 September 2022


Zara competed in 100m and 200m, achieving Silver in both and a new PB in both events!

Sylvie competed in 100m and 200m, achieving new PBs in both events and making it to the final.

Rowan competed in 100m, 200m and 70mH. She achieved a new PB in 100m.

Eilidh competed in 100m and 70mH.

Gemma competed in 200m, 70mH and 800m.  She achieved a new PB in 800m and Gold, she also won Gold in 70mH and made it to the 200m final, finishing 5th with a new PB.

Jenna competed in 200m, 70mH and 800m.  She achieved new PBs in all three events. She won Bronze in 70mH and 800m and made it to the 200m final.



Arguably the best race of the day was the 100m Final for the U15G. With six Elgin athletes in the final it was sure to be a close and exciting one.  With only two hundredth of a second separating first, second and third place it did not dissappoint!

Holly  competed in 100m, 200m and 75mH.  She won Gold in 100m and 75mH as well as a Championship Best Performance in each of these events. She won Silver in 200m with a new PB. She set a new PB in 100m.

Lauren competed in 100m, 200m and 300m.  She set new PBs in each event.  She won Gold in 200m and 300m.  She won Silver in 100m.  Her 200m time set a new Championship Best Performance.

Ava competed in 100m, 200m and 300m.  She achieved threee Bronze medals! She set new PBs in 100m and 300m.

Iris competed in 100m and 75mH.  She set a new PB in 100m, finishing fourth in the final.  She achieved a Silver medal in hurdles.

Lexi competed in the 100m final, finishing 5th and also in 200m.

Anna competed in the 100m final and the 200m final, finishing 5th.

Evie competed in 800m final and achieved a new PB.

Ruby competed in 100m and 200m. She achieved new PBs in each event.

Lillia competed in 200m Final, finishing 4th with a new PB and also in 300mH where she won gold.

Amelie competed in the 800m final, finishing 6th.



Georgia competed in the 80mH final and won Silver.



Innes competed in 100m and 200m.  He made it throught to the final of both events and achieved a new PB in 100m.


Ted competed in 100m and 200m.  He made it through to both finals, finishing 4th in each.  He set a new PB in 100m.

Dexter competed in 100m and 75mH.  He made it through to the 100m final and in 75mH he finished 2nd to take Silver.

Euan compedted in the 800m final.



Andrew competed in 100m, 200m and 300m finals.  In 100m he won Bronze.  In 200m  and 300m he finished 4th.  He set a new PB in 300m.

Archie competed in 100m, 300m and 80mH.  He finished 5th in 100m, 6th in 300m and first to take Gold in 80mH.

Ruaridh competed in 200m, 300m and 300mH.  He finished 5th in 200m, 5th in 300m with a new PB and won Gold in 300mH.



Alexander competed in 100m final, finishing 4th.  He also competed in 200m final, finishing 4th with a new PB.

Roy competed in 1500m.  He won Gold with a Championship Best Performance.

Tom competed in 400m to with Silver with a new PB.  He also competed in 400mH to take Gold with a new PB and a Championship Best Permformance. 



Kyle competed in 100m Final.  He placed 3rd to take Bronze.


All in all, this was a really successful day for the Elgin Athletes. 

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