• Youth Development League - Meet 3 - Inverness - 16th June

    Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 22 June 2024

    That's a wrap on YDL for 2024, and Team North went out with a bang!

    Ross County AC made the (short) journey down to Inverness to join us for this match, giving us the biggest YDL team this year! Team North finished a respectable 4th place - a pretty decent show for a wee team in the North.

    Thank you to everyone who competed, volunteered and cheered on Team North this year. Once again, your dedication and team spirit shone like diamonds. Until next year! 

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  • RAM League - Inverness - 9th June

    Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 22 June 2024

    Another sunny day in Inverness brought out EAAC's team spirit once again at the 2nd match of the RAM League for 2024. Elgin took home some great points once again, we welcomed a new face to the competition stage, and only two people forgot their numbers! Amazing work again, and thanks to our parents who provided some delicious snacks for our officials and volunteers. It is greatly, greatly appreciated!

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  • Scottish Schools 2024 - 1st, 7th and 8th June

    Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 15 June 2024

    5 Elgin AAC athletes travelled to Grangemouth to represent their schools over the course of two weekends in the outdoor Scottish School's meet.

    Our athletes took home 5 medals, 4 PB's, and fantastic performances all round! Well done to all of you! 

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  • Youth Development League - Meet 2 - Dundee - 19th May 2024

    Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 26 May 2024

    Team North traveled the 250 mile round-trip to Dundee on Sunday 19th May for Meet 2 of 2024's Youth Development League. Big thanks go to Coach Kelvin for driving our athletes down in the mini-bus, meeting a few more of the team at the venue. Word on the street is our athletes had the most fun; running around and rallying behind everyone when it mattered! Another small group but still delivered highly for Team North, with a string of 19 PB's in the process. Great performances from everyone, well done!

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  • Under the Lights - Inverness - Friday 23rd March

    Posted by Lauren Cruickshank on 21 April 2024

    Twelve EAAC athletes went through to Inverness to compete in their first outdoor meet of the season.  It was sunny .... for a little while! Then the heavens opened and due to safety concerns the meet had to be called off.  Inverness Harriers, as ever, were lovely hosts! Some of the events managed to go ahead before the downpour (although the results of some may have been affected by the weather).  Thank you to all officials and well done to all of those who made the trip through.

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